November 13, 2018
Nerdgirl Moment
I met Jim James at the AliCenter #aliawards and super-fanned out. Still the performance of…

September 26, 2018
Meet a real life superhero
It’s not everyday I get to meet a real life #superhero @JamesShawJr who stopped gunman…

September 24, 2018
Thank you to the Ali Center
Thank you to the @alicenterlou for honoring me with the award for #genderequality at one…

September 22, 2018
Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards honor exceptional people
Each year, the Ali Center pays tribute to a number of high profile “seasoned humanitarians”…

September 21, 2018
Amy Carlson speaking up
Not only is Amy Carlson speaking up for gender equality, she’s fighting for awareness for…

September 21, 2018
Wheels Up
Wheels up on way to @alicenterlou awards in #Louisville so thrilled to be honored and…