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Today I was blessed with the opportunity to help others – thanks to a ton of donations from my momfriends. So many people in need, let’s find ways to help each other. Let’s find ways to build our communities and support each other. We can promote #radicallove and care in our communities. 

Having been to this shelter before I was surprised to find out when we got to the homeless residence that the #NYC #dhfs was moving families out right before the school year because they needed the space for an adult homeless populations. Families with children have stability here. They have a learning center, people who believe in them, support, a playground, a community. It’s heartbreaking to see bureaucratic decisions made that will hurt children. I’m am hoping that they will be able to keep this community together.

©AmyCarlson; Instagram

Literally today we were dropping off supplies for Homeless families when we were told they were displacing Homeless Children

©AmyCarlson; Twitter

This room for teaching children at flatlands will be gone. I was there today and
Bill de Blasio is going to force these children out and make room for adult homeless. FIND ANOTHER facility. Some families have lived there for 3years. Cruel to these children who are offered stability.

©AmyCarlson; Twitter


If you listen to the video you can REALLY hear my Chicago accent! ?